There are boxes of master tapes laying around here, tons of sessions that were never released, hundreds of demos I got that I can’t release due to copyright reasons. Like for instance the first demo of The Young Gods – recorded in 1986 with ultra cheap gear, unlike Yello, by the way, but probably a lot more creative. No offense ment to Boris Blank…
So much to make you drool, drivel and slobber (thank you, Wikipedia 🙂
As you can imagine, I have a lot of my own masters awaiting to be filed under ‘trashbin’. So allow me to save one of those for this here blog. I didn’t like it at the time, but listening to it now I think this is nothing less than pure chart fodder – which in my world is the most positive statement there is about any track.
I hope he will not kill me, my buddy Michael Antener, who at that time, must have been 1984/85, had made himself a household name in the international industrial home recording scene, which in Europe was mostly the crowd around the Graf Haufen Label in Berlin. Antener then recorded, in the basement of his parents house in a small village, Utzensdorf, if my memory serves me well, under the dark name of Bande Berne Crematoire.
Myself, I went by the name of Anal Furgler, always hoping to create a media scandal by hijacking the name of a then famous politician, but to no avail. So much for the history of the two tracks I’ve unearthed today.
Michael invited me to record a session with him in his basement, and I went there with a sax, records and tapes, he playing the analog synthesizers noise makers back then usually had. I found today two tracks of this session on a lost cassette, and as I’ve said, I rather like them now. It has a nice ambient feel to it, all the while keeping that dark gloomy spirit BBC used to fancy then. I could have released them on my label, but I’ve decided against it, rather unwisely, I think, because it didn’t come out the way we liked it then; this being an entirely improvised session, without any overdubs, add-ons or remixes, both rather reluctand to really trash it away like we both did usually, the greatness of the result was lost on us. Anyway. Here they are now, for you to listen or download.
Bande Berne Crematoire, by the way, later teamed up with Ane Hebeisen, then a very young goth adonis and ideal frontman. They went by the name of Swamp Terrorists, played live around Europe and released several ‘real’ records. Hebeisen later was a better journalist than he was a singer, if you allow me my saying so, and his articles in the now almost bygone Berne newspaper “Der Bund” always made for a very pleasurable reading. Yeah, Berne really has a quite morbid touch to it…
Bande Berne Crematoire & Anal Furgler
Ajust playback volume to 12 and press the play button!
(pic shows cover of joint tape release by nacht’raum and Nisus Anal Furgler, designed by BBC, who played in nacht’raum)
To download right-click Bande Berne Crematoire & Anal Furgler: Mutter or
Bande Berne Crematoire & Anal Furgler: Manneszucht
You can also find downloads of the early works of Bande Berne Crematoire at this site:
Also, the cassettes of Bande Berne Crematoire seem to be quite rare – several people have them on their want list, I see here. Well, if you missed on it: here’s the cover of the first official release of Bande Berne Crematoire, it came out on several labels simoultanesly, also on Calypso Now. Must have some laying around here… grin. As I always say: Be there or be square. Why, according to my ‘files’ I’ve sold seven copies of the tape in 1984 – and now I see that five people at Discogs have it on their want list. Bad case of being born too late, probably.
I’ve almost forgot, that the other tape by Bande Berne Crematoire, which remained unnamed, has also been released by Calypso Now. That must have been one of the last tape releases, as it is packaged the way I did it then: Have an A4-cover printed, to be folded in a plastic bag which allowed more paper work to be included. This cover has been handprinted by Rueebli, a madman back then, now successfull winemaker at the lake (Bielersee). Luckily, I’ve still got a couple of those covers…

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