Hotcha's Calypso Now Label

April 13, 2010

Must follow

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Hotcha @ 8:57 am

“I won’t pay for punk records” – download classic punk singles! (mp3 only, so maybe you should consider buying anyhow!)

More on Nikki Sudden incl. downloads:

November 22, 2009

Note 2 myself

Stuff I found researching old Calypso Now releases

Rich Stim/Sirius Music/Bloomington, Indiana

Just found the master tape today for the ‘Segments’-Compilation (bands from Bloomington), and ‘Playette’; that one I used to listen to a lot, woman’s voice and cheap Casio-like synth playing pop music. Well, don’t recall the details right now, but am thinking of hosting the tape if possible. Found a blog by Rich Stim, who was the mastermind behind Playette (, also a blog talking about Segments ( On the same blog he’s talking about a possible CD-release of Playette, did it ever realize?

BTW, great source to other links, like Just look at the category “Found Photo”…

In Another Context

it’s just not possible that I lost any master tape or cover master, but I just stuffed all the tapes prints magazines pictures etc. away in cardboard boxes that have not been touched much in the past 20 years, so it may happen that I have to go through several boxes to find all related items. So it just happens I’ve found a letter concerning the tape compilation In Another Context where it said I paid licencing fees, I also have the master cassette, but no cover and no adress. But I think I’ve found the label, and it’s still active and they release just great stuff.

Nikki Sudden

found the master tape to Nikki Sudden’s Beau Geste – now I have to decide what to do with it. Rerelase it on tape, host it on the server as MP3? The latter will probably be difficult due to copyright reasons, and I can’t ask Nikki any more about it. A pity, such a wonderful person.

Steven Tetzloff

got a mail today from Don Campau, whose tapes I featured a lot on my weekly radio show back in those tapesdays, because he does real poppy stuff in an industrial manner, as far as I remember, will have to listen to it again, anyhow, he’s real good. And still active. Asked me for a rerelease of a Steven Tetzloff tape he one got from me. Well, Steven’s not around any more, I believe. We will just all go ahead and host his stuff, I think.

Various links without a Calypso Now connection, but great nonetheless 😉

Lp Cover Lovers:,

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