i know that “Arrow” is available on hard copy. I publish the cassette that I got in the 80s anyway. Enough said, listen to the music.
September 30, 2020
Television, Arrow, for the genuine cassette tape feeling
September 28, 2020
More by Alex Chilton – The Rock Hard double cassette
“Rock Hard” must be a mythical Alex Chilton boot? I did not find anything on the net, now about 35 years after I got it from one of my trading friends. I remember that we used to like it a lot then. Now it is of rather historical interest to me. I tried to understand why that is.
Conclusion: At that time were rare the musicians with that sense of tradition and at the same time the know how to play this special brand of rockabilly and music hall. Today you got those players by the hundreds, but of course they are not Alex Chilton.
Anyway, here are the tapes. A double cassette!
Three files, cassette 1 is split on side 1 and 2. Cassette 2 is complete in one single file.
Comments to my Facebook page, please, I do not treat WordPress comments any more, too much incoming spam here.
Just listen to the tapes here:
To download right-click
Play without interruption!
September 25, 2020
Unpacking banana boxes of tapes and tapes and tapes
Here are tapes I got at the time, we used to trade ’em, you know, and I had quite some stuff from the gigs at AJZ Biel (Sonic Youth ’83, Television Personalities, The Fall, UK Subs, Pussy Galore, Jesus And Mary Chains, Swans, Shiny Gnomes etc).
Those are the tapes just as I got ’em, one contains the “unreleased first LP” plus Peel Sessions, the other stems from a gig at Bristol Trinity Hall in 1981. Some of it has been released on CD later, but does it sound as good as on tape? You decide.
Comments to my Facebook page, please, I do not treat WordPress comments any more, too much incoming spam here.
Just listen to the tapes here:
To download right-click
- The complete cassette, unreleased LP and Peel, both sides as one track
- Live at Bristol Trinity Hall 2.8.81
Play without interruption!
September 23, 2020
The pleasure of old tapes unearthed (from behind the velvet curtain)
Listen to The Cure Peel Sessions – a tape I got in the 80’s, I haven’t a clue if you can find this on vinyl?
Comments to my Facebook page, please, I do not treat WordPress comments any more, too much incoming spam here.
Just listen to the whole tape here:
To download right-click
- The Cure Peel Sessions 78 – 81 complete cassette of unknown origin, sometime mid 80s
- Alex Chilton Demos and Soft Boys unreleased LP for Radar plus Live In Cambridge, complete cassette of unknown origin, some time late 80s
Play without interruption!
November 1, 2012
Occult Voices – Paranormal Music, Recordings of unseen Intelligences
>I did not have the nerve yet to listen to it; maybe you do?
Found Occult Voices – Paranormal Music, Recordings of unseen Intelligences on UbuWeb.
Download Audacity, import each recording on a separate track, loop it. Play at very low volume all night long. See what happens.
If you dare.
October 20, 2012
Die or D.I.Y. ? -> Site of the Week
Another site I’ve stumbled upon while searching for news about Evan Schoenfeld, one of my alltime faves. Most of his released work is on Calypso Now, well, was, more than 25 years ago! But I still have the masters, and I planned a compilation cassette, “The Golden Hour Of Evan Schoenfeld”. I even did a prototype at that time, and from time to time I find this tape in my chaos. Only to lose it again… Probably I did put it somewhere special, to finish this project at last – and then I do not remember where this “somewhere special” is. You know, thousands of records in my crummy little apartment!
OK, I’ll come back with this “Golden Hour Of Evan Schoenfeld” – when I revived my cassette label two years ago I managed to find Evan and could ask him if it would be okay to release this comp (on cassette, of course!) – and he agreed. So, if I can find this prototype again….
In the meantime, check out this site here, Die or D.I.Y, lots of downloads of great punk stuff.
January 12, 2011
Bovine Music Show Archives
Looking for Steven Tetzloff on the net, I found this here:
They had a show where Steven’s music was played. Go here for that one!
If you know of the whereabouts of Steven Tetzloff, please get in touch – I want to rerelease his music very badly!
January 3, 2011
Sister Ray live tape
Sister Ray were a band from Ohio, who in the late eighties had some unexpected succes among european labels – well, to speak the very truth, they were just on one european label, Semaphore from Holland, but they released four records of those psychedelic punks. Psychedelic? Will they kill me when they read this? Their trademark were not the long stereo noodles psychedelic usually stands for, they were on the contrary very sharp and blasted out tune after tune without really having a break between them. I saw them live @Hirscheneck in Basel back then, and they simply ruled. You’ll get a good impression on the live tape I put on here. But they were psychedelic all right, I mean, they always played Pink Floyd’s Take Thy Stethoscope And Walk. And they had a farfisa organ. At least then. They dropped it later, I believe. Read all about here: http://www.nkvdrecords.com/sisteray.htm
I’m a bit pissed, because I added this tape to discogs 6 months ago, and nobody seems to care. How I know? Because nobody did hit the ‘I want this’-button. Which is rather unusual for such a tape. It was self-released by the band, and there were only 100 copies made. I bought it at their gig, and I also bought a solo tape of their guitar wizard Mark Hanley. Will post it one day here, I think.
December 24, 2010
Alle Unternehmen und Institutionen sind an Weihnachten ganz weihnaechtlich gestimmt, um endlich so richtig schwarze Zahlen zu schreiben. Da will ich nicht abseits stehen. Hier also mein Weihnachtsgeschenk, verknuepft mit der obligaten Werbebotschaft. Was wollt ihr zuerst? Geschenk oder Botschaft? ueberlegt’s euch mal…
OK, wie ihr wollt: Beides gleichzeitig, so sei es!
Nun habe ich ja mein Kassettenlabel aus den Fruehachtzigern wieder belebt, ganz einfach darum, weil es total Spass macht. Kauft ueberhaupt wer die Kassetten?
Falsche Frage!
Die Frage ist, produzieren Musiker heute ueberhaupt noch Kassetten. Und die Antwort gibt’s hier: Ich will nun kurz von meiner neuen Kassettenserie reden, die, welche keinen Namen hat, aber ein ganz tolles Aussehen! Etwa so:
Und das alles in Hochglanz in einem chemischen Verfahren eingeritzt oder so, ich mache das nicht selber, zahle aber ein Vermoegen dafuer, also muss es gut sein. Schoen ist es ja allemal.
Und wie das klingt, wollt Ihr wissen? Da kann ich nur mit Pull My Daisy aufwarten, meiner frueheren Band, die anderen Sachen will ich verkaufen (auch PMD kann man kaufen, Cover siehe oben). Ihr hoert hier ein Demo, muss aus 1988 sein, ich habe noch in einer Kiste eine gute Handvoll davon gefunden, das hatte damals kein spezielles Cover. Habe es ein bisschen ueberarbeitet (mit Audacity, ich geb’s zu…) und neu auf die alten Kassetten kopiert, das alte Cover noch auf die Kassette geklebt, und dieses neue als Hommage auch an einen meiner praegenden Einfluesse, Ted Robert eben, voller Liebe hingetrasht.
Pull My Daisy Demo 1988, wiederveroeffentlicht als “Oscar de France decerne a TED ROBERT”
Einfach den Abspielknopf druecken
To download right-click
So, und nun weiter im Verkaufgespraech: Die Sachen gibt’s bereits oder bald in meinem neuen Webshop http://www.calypsonow.ch/shop/catalog. Zudem habe ich mich auch erweichen lassen durch das staendige Klagen “Ach, haette ich nur gewusst, dass es so geile Kassetten gibt, ich haette mein Kassettengeraet nicht entsorgt” und habe ein paar Kisten Geraete eingekauft. Da ich einen Ruf zu verlieren habe, kann ich die jetzt nicht einfach hier raufschmeissen, sondern muss die schon noch so gut wie moeglich testen. Da bin ich dran, ein paar habe ich aber schon freigeben koennen. Ihr findet die auch in meinem Webshop. Bitte beachtet vor allem das Angebot gleich hier unten:
Es wird dann noch andere geben, hier ein paar Kandidaten im Test:
Soviel fuer heute. Besucht den Shop – es sind alles nur begrenzt erhaeltliche Angebote!
October 10, 2010
Anticommunist Folk Rock
This is Janet Greene, she also goes by the name of Anti-Baez. But while Joan Baez, despite her very good intentions, is just unlistenable, this does not go for Ms. Green. The picture above shows her LP of the 80’s, which was not political at all, unfortunately, I’d say. Because she really reaches poetic heights with lines like
Communism is on his rise
and Satan has a new disguise
(in Commie Lies, 1964)
I’m just listening to the tune here at Conelrad, where you can find more of this stuff, also the fantastic Dawn Of Correction by The Spokesmen (unfortunately only the story, not the song). I did not have the time to go through the complete site, but there might be some more gems hidden there.
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